Imposter Syndrome Disclaimer

A warm invitation to contribute to SpaceCoastSec, the infosec community located on the Space Coast of Florida in Brevard County.

How to contribute

Imposter syndrome disclaimer: SpaceCoastSec wants your help. No really, it does.

There might be a little voice inside that tells you you're not ready; that you need to do one more tutorial, or learn another framework, or write a few more blog posts, or have CVE(s) attributed to you before you can attend a SpaceCoastSec meetup, let alone speak at one.

I assure you, that is not the case.

This community has a clear Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is there to give you confidence that no matter what mistakes you make, you'll be treated with respect. Everyone makes mistakes - that's a natural part of learning. Our pledge to you is that we are here to help you learn, not to insult or belittle you for learning.1.

Have an idea, topic, or research you want to talk about? Reach out to the community organizer with your ideas and request some time, it's that easy. By making expectations and processes explicit and being available to hear your ideas, I hope it will make it easier for you to contribute to the community!

And you don't have to have a presentation to contribute to the community. You can help out by being a participant during community meetups, asking questions, and being curious. No need for previous experience, the SpaceCoastSec community exists to help others including you! Even giving feedback about the meetups is welcome.

Thank you for contributing and being part of our community!


MIT. Take, adapt, use. Link back to Adrienne's repo. And if you want to give Adrienne a shout-out on Twitter and watch their YouTube video "Bake the Cookies, Wear the Dress: Connecting with Confident Authenticity" that would be awesome!